Team Development
August 3, 2021

Engagement is a true win-win. How can you get there?

Valentina Coco Website Profile Picture
Valentina Coco
min read

Today, Human Resources Leaders are focused on improving employee engagement at their organizations. Employee disengagement is one of the main factors professionals quit their jobs. Organizations with high engagement levels have an opportunity to reduce both turnover and hiring costs. That is why engaging employees is critical for retaining valuable talent, in addition to being a crucial piece of the employee satisfaction puzzle.

According to Forbes, employees who are engaged in their work are more motivated and remain committed to their work. This leads to more achievements and drives the organization forward.

According to the Gallup, employees who are engaged at work are more likely to be productive. Companies with a high level of engagement report 22% higher productivity.

The Benefits of an Engaged Workforce

Engaged employees:
• Are self-motivated
• Have a clear understanding of their roles
• Recognize the significance of their contribution
• Focus on future training and development
• Feel that they belong to the community

Let’s see what dollar amount can be associated with an engaged employee to make the difference obvious. Talent Culture found that increasing employee engagement investments by 10% can increase profits by $2,400 per employee per year. Pretty impressive, isn’t it?

Having showed how important engagement at work is, let’s discuss how a leader can raise the level of employee engagement?

Create a Sense of Purpose.

Employees are human; not robots. Your employees are not another factor of production, but prospective champions of your organization’s values and principles.
Do your best to create an emotional connection between them and your brand. Make them feel needed. Show them that they are important.

Sketch a Success Roadmap.

This move will make it easier for employees to see the future prospects and clearly understand what they need to do to achieve success.

Recognize and Reward Good Work.

Two out of three employees feel they do not get enough recognition for their work. As a result, they fail to deliver their maximum potential. This can be prevented by creating a working environment that recognizes and rewards good work with impressive perks and incentives.

Always remember that your employees deserve the best. After all, they are your most valuable assets.

Valentina Coco Website Profile Picture
Valentina Coco
inclusive leader

I'm a connector, leader, change-maker, mother and coach. My experience of going through many burnouts motivated me to find solutions to improve the culture in the workplace and achieve more.

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